
BUZZ THE BEARS 燦燦(さんさん)歌詞


It is blue sky outside.
Straight, slender and long.
I look up at the sky, riding on a bike.
It is white cloud outside.
It is just like white smoke.
The sky in a town is narrow and very high.

Two shadows in a line, the tire spinning round,
and round fast, and the bell ringing out.
I pedal a bike in front and you take a back seat.
This is a usual style.

It seems that everything is shining only at this moment.

It is blue sky outside.
Straight, slender and long.
I look up at the sky, riding on a bike.
It is white cloud outside.
It is just like white smoke.
The sky in a town is narrow and very high.

It is wind cool to skin.
I put power into my leg.
While wishing“This time could last for a long time.”

It is blue sky outside.
Straight, slender and long.
The sky in a town is narrow and it is very high.



Honey! I'm ice cream eaten by you.
I am your ice cream which melts.

My life is limited! Lick my body.

You may attack any part. I leave my body to you.
Heart is beating fast with joy. I can't stop myself.
After eating me, you laughed contentedly.
Did you grow fat? Your face is bursting.

Forget? The shock when we met on that day?
I know. My sweet makes you captive.

My life is limited! Lick my body.

Your lips are comfortable and melt me slowly and slowly.
At the night when the moon is nice, I dance on your tongue.
I will tempt you by my sweet smell. How about my taste?
The time of pleasure goes on with the night.

You may attack any part. I leave my body to you.
Heart is beating fast with joy. I can't stop myself.
After eating me, you laughed contentedly.
Did you grow fat?

Your lips are comfortable and melt me slowly and slowly.
At the night when the moon is nice, I dance on your tongue.
I will tempt you by my sweet smell. How about my taste?
The time of pleasure goes on with the night.



このままで終われない only one life
作り上げられる my story in the time

どこにいて 何をしてる 思い描いたもの確認 stay
ここに全部捨ててしまおうか いらないもの 嫌な事 this case

もう二度と逃げない Decide by myself
誰かに笑われても It's all right It's all right It's OK
これ以上迷わない straight road
いつか止まりそうになっても You can do

うずくまり 目をつぶって そこから光は生まれない one day
明日へとまた 踏み出せる気持ち 心の中 引き出せる that day

新しく見える景色 目の前 広がっているから

このままで終われない only one life
作り上げられる my story in the time

もう二度と逃げないと Decide by myself
誰かに笑われても It's all right It's all right It's OK
これ以上迷わない straight road
いつか止まりそうになっても You can do
It's all right It's all right It's OK



もしも明日の天気予報が 晴れのち終わりなら…

足りないものだらけの 自分を思い返してみる
ただがむしゃらに不器用に 過ぎていった時間(とき)
ゆるがないもの一つを この胸の中 持てただけで
あなたと出会えた それだけで僕は幸せでした

明日 世界が終わるとしても 今まで過ごしてきたような
いつもと変わらない一日を あなたとの一日を

夢でまた会えるのなら 眠るのも悪くはないかな
今日はどこへとでかけようか 大空をとんで

もしも明日の天気予報が 晴れのち終わりだったとしたら
最後の瞬間まで その手をずっとつないで

明日 世界が終わるとしても 今まで過ごしてきたような



The tale of the thief who can steal anything.
He did not care about other's feelings.
Many high-class wrist watches, jewelry, a roll of bills.
His body was stained with criminal mind.

Oh baby! What a lovely girl she is!
I have never seen.
He was fascinated with her in a street,
and forgot to be chased and tried to steal her heart.
By the side of the wanted photograph.

Oh please! Jump over the wall...I carry my heart.
Dreaming of the day.
He is in a dark place.
In the cold and quiet world. Atone for crimes.

He was surrounded by the police unawares in a street.
“Oh my god!”He thought. But it was too late.
Many sermons, handcuffs, a pork cutlet bowl.
He was filled with the feelings of regret.

His friend was surprised when the gate of the prison opened.
“Hey! The fellow was caught at last.”
He sleeps visualizing the girl and cries in a low voice.
“Baby! Help me from this frozen world.”

Oh please! Jump over the wall...I carry my heart. Dreaming of
the day.
He is in a dark place.
In the cold and quiet world. Atone for crimes.

Put on white clothes.
Imagine while working.
Days with the girl.

The tale of the thief who can steal anything.
But he can not steel other's heart.



Shoes glittering in the light.
I found! The shoes of the glass arranged in a small red store.
My face reflected in the show window was the worst for some

Look good to me?
Stop buying it…
Give me a chance I can change.

Air became lighter.
My height became taller.
Oh…I will make up once in a while.
Sneakers are in a paper bag.
Sounding the heel...It's my heel!

Look good to me?
Stop buying it...
Give me a chance I can change.

Air became lighter.
My height became taller.
Oh…I will make up once in a while.
Sneakers are in a paper bag.
Sounding the heel...It's my heel.



雨があがった道を 傘を手に持って歩く
水たまりからのぞいた 自分飛び越え

立ちはだかった壁は 思ったよりずっと高く
あきらめるしかなかった ぼやけて見えた夏の虹

沈む夕日を背に飲みこんだ 涙でかかる七色のアーチ
赤く染まった目をこすり歩く このくやしさ全部消えるまで

がんばり過ぎた今日も 評価されることはなく
早く時が過ぎればと つぶやいた日々

耐えられず ゆがんだ その顔を
記憶に残して いつまででも

映る影を見ながら飲みこんだ 涙でかかる七色のアーチ
きっといつか彩り鮮やかに あなたにも輝き続ける



キラキラ光った 水面を通る潮風は
僕のほほをなで 隣の穂を揺らす

いつも遠く響いた 船の汽笛は
煙をあげて今 別れを知らせた

カントリーロード これから行くのはどんなとこでしょうか?
カントリーロード いつでも優しくいてくれますか?
心で繰り返す 小さな不安抱えて

ゆらゆら花咲き 目を奪われる じゃり道
一歩また一歩 踏みしめた今日まで

都会の空の下 つまずいたとしても

カントリーロード さびしくても そこでがんばってみるよ
カントリーロード 変わらず あり続けてくれますか?
ずっと 長く続く 選んだ道 歩いて

じゃあね その日まで